Denise Harvey
  • Denise Harvey: 35 εγγραφές
Διεύθυνση Επικοινωνίας
Λίμνη Ευβοίας
340 05 Εύβοια
22270 31154
I am a small independent publisher, working from the island of Euboea, or Evia as it pronounced in Greek. The books I publish are primarily, but not exclusively, concerned with various manifestations of what is somewhat inadequately termed as modern Greek culture — its literature, history and music, its natural beauty and forms of life in both city and country, how Greek people see themselves and others, and how others see them, and the Orthodox Church that is the matrix within which much of what can be defined as modern Greek culture has been formed.

I first came to Greece from the West more than forty years ago, but it took me many years to learn that there was a Greece to pursue beyond the demarcations of history and dates and its physical beauty, a beauty still almost painfully vibrant where insensitive development and exploitation have not yet sullied it. I hope that some of the books listed on this site will be able to act as pointers for others who have sensed there is also something beyond that which immediately gives them delight and pleasure in the Greece they encounter today.
It is not at all that Greece has a monopoly of the 'other'; in all cultures where tradition is still living there is the 'other', waiting to be disclosed to those who have had intimations of it and who have then gone in search of it. I think, however, it is a little different for us westerners, for, as Cyril Connolly remarked, 'an affection for Greece seems to most of us now something we are born with', and it is this inheritance which can give us an unexpected way-in to what has been described as 'the other mind of Europe'.
Many have attempted to describe this 'other mind'. Below are extracts from three writers, some of whose books are available through this site, who each delineate a different aspect of it in their own inimitable way.

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