editions of the Greek Enlightenment, by the Modern Greek and
Comparative Philology Laboratory, Democritus University of
Thrace. This first volume is in collaboration with the Early Modern
Greek Culture Program, The Medici Archive Project, within the
frame of the collaboration between our Laboratory and the Program.
The study is about one of the very rare examples, if not unique (till
the moment it was written) –and surely one of the very important
efforts– to describe the difference between the Ancient and Modern
Greek metric systems, namely the transition from prosody to the
rhythmical metric system, based on certain-syllable-stresses.
Richebourcq’s observations and evaluation of the poems belonging to
a friend of his, Constantine Rodocanakis, have the form of an
aggressive attitude towards the Greeks and their literary production,
roughly from late Byzantium till his days. The common attitude of
Westerners towards Modern Greeks (as well as the byzantine Greeks
during the 18
century) is to be traced in our essay