Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a very common disorder in children. According to the recently researches, ADHD is most likely a developmental disorder of behavioral inhibition that interfaces with self regulation and the cross- temporal organization of behavior. In recent decades, ADHD has mainly concerned specialists of various fields, working in the mental health of children and adolescents, more than any other disorder. This disorder is the most common neurodevelopmental disorder of childhood, which in most cases persists into adulthood, causing functional burden. It usually appears in 6-7% of school population with ratio of 3/1 in favor of boys. It is a disorder relatively alien to Greek reality, despite the significant rates of its occurrence and stems from many different factors, as it is often confused with learning difficulties and behavioral problems. Thus, ADHD is a disorder with significant negative repercussions on the psychological and social life of the child, which can be avoided or at least mitigated by a timely intervention which however require another timely diagnosis at the earliest possible stage of development (Anthony & Papadatos, 2008, 34). According to the American Psychiatric Association (2000), ADHD can occur in two different contexts, such as home and school. The interpretation that adults will give who are dealing with the child for his behavior, usually guides the choice of how to face it. At best, some conscious parents and teachers may realize that this behavior deviates of what we are called a normal one and requires evaluation and treatment by a specialist. The seeking help from the specialist and the implementation of an appropriate therapeutic program, increases the chances for an effective treatment for both the child and his family (Kakouros & Maniadakis 2012, 21, 22).