Tendances actuelles de la la littérature comparée dans le Sud-est de l'Europe
Séminaire de littérature comparée et d' histoire des idées
Contemporary Trends of Comparative Literature in South-Eastern Europe
Seminar on Comparative Literature and History of Ideas
1η έκδ.
Σειρά: Τετράδια Εργασιάς
Γλώσσα: Αγγλικά || Γαλλικά
€ 15.21 (περ. ΦΠΑ 6%)
Βιβλίο, Χαρτόδετο
17 x 24 εκ., 462 γρ., 210 σελ.
Σύντομη περιγραφή
ISSN: 1105-0845-29

This volume of collected papers addresses the present state of comparative studies in the area of South Eastern Europe by moving from theory to case-studies. The opening paper by Paul Cornea is succeeded by a series of case-studies representing Bulgaria (Roumiana Stantcheva), Serbia (Jelena Novakoviç) and Greece (Anna Tabaki). A paper by Walter Puchner focuses on the rich example of dramaturgy extending to Central Europe. Further essays reflect the multifaceted character of contemporary approaches: the influence of ancient myth upon modern literature and dramaturgy (Ioanna Konstantoulaki-Hantzou); the connection between literature and fine arts (Elena Koutrianou); comparative approaches to temporality (Antigone Vlavianou); the notion of the ‘field’ (champ) as outcome of a dialogue with the sciences (Maye Sehab); and the interest for less well-researched literary genres such as autobiography, memoirs and travelogues (Ourania Polycandrioti). The last section focuses on the notion of the ‘scholar’ and comparative literature in South Eastern Europe (Tassos Kaplanis) and presents the postgraduate programme of Comparative Literature at the Department of Literature at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.


- Paul Cornea, "La Litterature comparee dans la deuxieme moitie du XXe siecle. Points de repere"
- Roumiana L. Stantcheva, "Tendances actuelles de la Litterature comparee en Bulgarie. Un pbint de vue."
- Jelena Novakovic, "Les etudes comparees en Serbie"
- Anna Tabaki, "Comparative Literature in Greece. Revisited: Ambiguities of the Past and
Perspectives for the Future."
- Walter Puchner, "The Theatre in South-East Europe in the Wake of Nationalism"
- Jeanne Constandulaki-Chantzou, "Du mythe ancien au mythe moderne
- May Chehab, "Un nouvel instrument au service de la Litterature comparee: entre Science et Litterature, le concept de "champ""
- Elena Koutrianou, "Intertextuality and Relevance Theory in the Interdisciplinary Approach to Surrealist Literature and Painting. A Case-Study: Nikos Engonopoulos "Bolivar"."
- Antigone Vlavianou, ""In sinu Temporis". Les avatars du Temps chez Dino Buzzati ("Le Desert des Tartares" / "Il Deserto dei Tartari", 1940) et Menis Koumandareas ("Le Beau Capitaine" / "Ο ωραίος λοχαγός", 1982)
- M. Pechlivanos, M. Chryssanthopoulos, Lizy Tsirimokou, "Making a Virtue of Necessity: Comparative Studies as a non Self-contained Discipline"
- Tassos A. Kaplanis, "Some Suggestions on the Future of Comparative Studies in the Balkans"
- Ourania Polycandrioti, "Lectures comparees de la litterature a la premiere personne (autobiographies, memoires, recits de voyage)"

Add: 2014-01-01 00:00:00 - Upd: 2025-01-13 10:02:52