Το βιβλίο ανήκει στη σειρά "Τα Παιδιά μας Μιλούν", όπου η Έφη Παναγοπούλου μεταφέρει με ευαισθησία τις σκέψεις, τα συναισθήματα και τον αγώνα που δίνουν τα παιδιά καθημερινά. Μέσα από αυτές τις ιστορίες, παιδιά και γονείς μπορούν να ανακαλύψουν τη σημασία της αντιμετώπισης των προκλήσεων της ζωής με αισιοδοξία και δύναμη.
Μια ιστορία για την Αγάπη στη Ζωή και την Υγεία, με αναφορές στο Σχολικό Εκφοβισμό.
Theodore’s life takes a dramatic turn on his birthday, sparking a new relationship with food. As he navigates through this challenging phase of his life, he must confront the troublesome Nikitas, who bullies him about his weight. Theodore is determined to overcome this difficult period and transform his life. He learns to make healthy choices, sets goals for himself, and wins the bets he makes with himself. With perseverance and resilience, he overcomes the obstacles that come his way.
Watch as Theodore transforms from being the timid "Little Theo" everyone teases, to Theodore, the protagonist of his own life.
A Tale of Love for Life and Health, with Moments of Reflection on School Bullying and Resilience.