The Golden Window
Memories of Bert Hellinger
Das goldene Fenster : Erinnerungen an Bert Hellinger (τίτλος πρωτοτύπου)
Μετάφραση: Gehrmann, Thomas
Υπεύθυνος επιμελητής: Βαγιακάκος, Νικόλαος Μ.
ISBN: 978-618-5340-54-4
Αλφάβητο Ζωής, Αθήνα, 5/2024
1η έκδ., Αγγλικά
€ 14.90 (περ. ΦΠΑ 6%)
Ebook, EPUB
95 σελ.
Γερμανική (γλώσσα πρωτοτύπου)
Σύντομη περιγραφή
Thomas Gehrmann writes that Bert Hellinger’s death made it possible to take a new look at his thinking and his Systemic Constellation practice. To the reader, it will open up a new perspective on the subject, not only as an enlightening retrospective, but also as an outlook forward.

What exactly constitutes constellation work according to Hellinger?

This question is still waiting to be answered. How can that be, today, almost three decades after this work became known through Gunthard Weber’s book “Zweierlei Glück”? Perhaps it is because different answers are possible, overly different. To insist on clarifying that question might result in controversy.

Didn’t Bert Hellinger himself say anything about it? Yes, of course he did. However, he also said very different things about it, over the years. We will only get an overall picture of constellation work and its development if we look at it together with Bert’s personal development during this time.
  • The Not:
    I remember Bert to say once, that he was not talking about “the nothingness”, but clearly “the Not” – in my understanding: “all that is not”, all that has no being.
  • This is exactly what I wanted to express: He often was left alone in his study, at best accompanied by some caretaker, but hardly anyone to have a mental exchange with.
  • So he really was unhappy sometimes.
  • To what extent, I don’t know.

Thomas Gehrmann

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