Mike the little bean
I'm gonna tickle you!
Μετάφραση: Lombardos, Anna
Εικονογράφηση: Βαρβαρούση, Λήδα
ISBN: 978-618-01-0328-1
Ψυχογιός, Αθήνα, 4/2013
Ελληνική, Νέα
€ 9.90 (περ. ΦΠΑ 6%)
Βιβλίο, Χαρτόδετο
22 x 22 εκ, 195 γρ, 40 σελ.

Read the adventures of Mike, the little bean as he is swept up by a very strong wind. He finds himself away from the pod where he and his family live. Although he would really like to return home, he finds himself in the hands of Hope who places him in the soil to grow.