Translating from Major into Minor Languages
ISBN: 978-960-531-248-0
Δίαυλος, Αθήνα, 2/2009
1η έκδ., Αγγλικά
€ 20.66 (περ. ΦΠΑ 6%)
Βιβλίο, Χαρτόδετο
254 σελ.

The unequal relationships observed in translation between major and minor languages may result in cultural and linguistic uncertainly, and lead to a feeling of identity loss among those who use them. In this book, Anastasia Parianou examines the hegemonic status of global English, in comparison to other languages, measures the all-powerful tendency of the publishing industry towards an English-only culture, and considers contexts of translation in a rapidly evolving, globalised world. Tsanslating from Major into Minor Languages proceeds to introduce attitude studies to translation research, arguing that its contribution to the discipline of translation studies may assist translators, in particular those of minor languages, to better evaluate the status of their languages, helping them to gain more linguistic and cultural self-confidence.

[Απόσπασμα από κείμενο του εκδότη]

Why major and minor?
1. Major and minor languages
Some definitions of major and minor languages
Major/minor languages and translation
English as a major language
Why English?
The establishment of English in LSP
Linguistic, economic and cultural features of English
The future of English
Minor languages
Regional or Minority Languages or the European Union's linguistic policy
2. Culture and translation: the example of the publishing industry
English-only cultures?
Culture of translation and translation of culture
Publishing houses and translation of cultural features
Culture in minor national literatures and translation
3. Translation and globalisation
Culture in globalisation
Global and local
Struggle against monolingualism
Ethnocentrism in translation?
Language, culture and identity
Translation, power and emotion
4. Language attitude studies
Language attitudes and language status
Language production and domain loss
Language production: the example of the Greek language
5. Attitude studies in translation
National literatures and translation
From language attitude to translation attitude
Translation attitudes in LSP texts
Translator's attitude in minor languages
The example of Greek
A socio-attitudinal approach?
Brief biography