2nd International Conference on Advances in Mineral Resources Management and Environmental Geotechnology
Book of Proceedings: AMIREG 2006: Hania, Greece 25-27 September 2006
Συλλογικό έργο
ISBN: 978-960-89228-1-5
1η έκδ., Αγγλικά
€ 50.72 (περ. ΦΠΑ 6%)
Βιβλίο, Χαρτόδετο
24 x 17 εκ, 1,623 γρ, 769 σελ.

The aim of this 2nd Conference is to provide a forum for the world`s leading scientific and technical communities to interact and address the main issues and the key challenges related to all aspects of mining, minerals and metallurgical industry in order to improve industry`s sustainability, reduce its environmental and health impacts in substantial and measurable terms and enhance resource recovery efficiency. Focus will be on sustainability issues, strategic development, preservation and efficient use of resources, clean technologies, life cycle assessment, risk analysis, hazard detection and control, environmental consequences and liability, waste management, socio-economic impacts and preservation of industrial heritage, advanced modeling (geostatistical analysis, computer simulation and virtual reality applications), monitoring (sensing, remote sensing, positioning, decision support and alerting techniques), projection techniques (multi-criteria analysis), geotechnical issues, geoenvironmental engineering, dam and embankment design and case studies. [...]

(from the foreword of the editors)